Our Advocacy Work

With the help of informed, caring people like you, our grassroots advocacy efforts have already made great strides in defending the rights of youth and young families experiencing homelessness from across the United States and Latin America.

Hands carrying cardboard cut house | Covenant Home - Be an Advocate

Support the Runaway and Homeless Youth and Trafficking Prevention Reauthorization Act 2023

The Runaway and Homeless Youth and Trafficking Prevention Program has been a necessary bridge for our youth and it is key in addressing the unprecedented need for safe and stable housing and supportive services for homeless youth.

group of happy former homeless youth | Covenant Home

Our Legislative Agenda

Our advocacy work for youth experiencing homelessness focuses on these four areas:

  • Preventing human trafficking & supporting survivors
  • Creating systemic change through foster care reform
  • Advancing economic opportunities through employment and education
  • Strengthening and supporting youth-focused housing options
Former Covenant Home CEO Kevin Ryan working with homeless youth, alumni, and advocates for youth | Covenant Home

A Powerful Voice for Young People

We enthusiastically support policy that forwards an equitable end to all types of youth homelessness. We oppose any policy responses that further stigmatize survivors, youth of color, and LGBTQ+ youth.